Thursday, February 23, 2012


Visal Sao is in 11th grade class. He has been attending Goldstone since he was 8 years old. Before he had the opportunity to learn here, he used to help his parents in the rice fields. Currently, his family do all that they can to help him, but with very limited resources the majority of his financial support come from donations. 
Here is a personal note from Visal...
Dear Donors,
 Hi! My name is Visal SAO and I would like to say how grateful I am for the opportunity that you have given me to receive a better education. I was born on August 15, 1993, and I am in the 11th grade at Goldstone School of Hope Worldwide. I have two brothers and two sisters. I’m the youngest boy in my family. My parents are farmers. They live in the Takeo province. My parents wanted me to have a better future, so in 2002, when I was 7-years-old, I left my parents to live with my older brother in Phnom Penh. 
  In my free time, I enjoy playing sports with my friends at school, studying the bible ( I became a Christian 2 years ago), and drawing. In the future, I would like to open a home for the poor elderly. There are so many times that I walk down the street and see many old people begging for money. If I had the opportunity to go to a University, I would major in medicine. I would like to go to medical school at the International University in Cambodia. 
Once again, thank you for your love and support. 
 Visal Sao

Theara and Thearun

Theara and Thearun
This month I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight two of these students. Theara and Thearun are brother and sister who have both been attending Goldstone since the beginning.  
Theara is in the 11th grade and loves working on the computer. He is also the designer for the school newspaper “The Goldstone Monthly”. He loves to play sports, his favorite one being volleyball. His favorite subjects are English, Computers and Christian moral class. He especially appreciates the Christian Moral class, because it reminds him to be humble. In the future, Theara would love to be an architect. He would love to help in Cambodia’s development by designing buildings. Once he graduates from Goldstone he would also like to give back by becoming a mentor.
Thearun is in the 10th grade and also has an artistic side. Besides drawing she also enjoys riding her bike. Her favorite part about the school is the fact that there are many volunteers that come through. She loves that she is able to meet people from all over the world. In the future, Thearun would like to give back by becoming a doctor.
Both Theara and Thearun live with their mother, who is cook at Goldstone. They live in a very modest 3 bedroom house with their aunt and uncle and three cousins. Unfortunately, Theara and Thearun’s father was killed by a robber when Thearun was just a baby. Their aunt helps as much as she can by buying their school supplies.
   Here are personal notes that Theara and Thearun wrote to let you get to know a little bit more about them, and to express their appreciation.

Hi my name is Theara CHHOY, and I’m 17 years-old and in the eleventh grade. I want to be an architect. I know that I need to study hard in order to be successful. I need to be good at math, Physics, and especially English. Ultimately, I would like to design houses. Since, Cambodia is a developing country it will have a lot of building growth. I really love to design with my computer. I like to use adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. In the future I really want to learn 3D Max and also Auto CAD. I hope that many of the buildings that we see in Cambodia’s future will come from my own designs. If I can have a chance, I would like to attend the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, because I think that I will have a higher quality of learning. If I have a scholarship to another country, I think it would be much better than a university in Cambodia, because I know that Universities abroad have a higher educational standard than Cambodia. When I finish college, I plan to share with my country the importance of getting a better education, because I want Cambodia to have a better future. When I finish my degree, I would like to come back to the Goldstone School of HOPE worldwide to volunteer for a year.
                I’m very grateful and thankful for all the donors that support our school. And, also for all of your contribution to our school! I appreciate your kindness and generous hearts toward our school. Your precious donations help provide all of the students at Goldstone School an outstanding educational opportunity we might not otherwise be able to afford.

Theara Chhoy

        Hi! My name is Thearun Chhoy. I'm a student at Goldstone School. I want to say thank you for your donation and support.Thanks for your beautiful heart and kindness. I'm really grateful for you, and I want to tell you a little bit about my family. My father died when I was young. Right now, my brother and I live with my aunt. We share a room. My aunt also has three children of her own. My mom lives in a province with my grandfather. When I grow up I want to study hard in English and I either want to be a designer or a doctor. 

Thank you again for your support.
With a lot of love, 
                                                                                                                                             Thearun Chhoy