Sunday, April 22, 2012


               Hi, I’m Vannak Keo. I’m in Grade 11 and a student at Goldstone School of HOPE worldwide (HWW).  I have one sister who also studies at the school. My mom’s a nurse and currently working at the Sihanouk Hospital of HWW and my dad’s a teacher. There are only four members in my family, and we live in a small house that is made up of two rooms and kitchen. 
        I love Goldstone’s computer class. The school has modern equipment and programs. I like surfing the internet. Though, my favorite subject is math. I think that math is more important than any other subject. I think it is something that can be used in all other subjects. 
    I want to be a civil Engineer in the future, so I must be good at math and work hard to be better. I want to be an Engineer, because I want to help to develop my country by creating higher buildings and fixing some old buildings. 
          Finally, I want to say thank you for supporting my school when we need the help. Thanks for giving us a great school that is full of educated and skilled teachers.
 May god bless you....  

  Vannak Keo (A.K.A. Luke)

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